Addie Ingram - 1928-1998
Addie Phea Favors - Unk-1966
Favors Family, Amsee, Arzilla, Jimmie, Addie, Pompie and Glenestine in front of their home in Bethlehem, TX - Yr. unknown.
Amsee, Jimmie, Lawrence and Leanna Favors - Yr., About 1917.  Leanna died shortly after picture was taken.
Artie Mae, Willie, Valiree in front of Wiilie's house (Debra in Background)
Elsie Alford Patterson 1906-1983
Lonzo and two men.  One looks like he could be a brother.
Raymond Favors -1919-1982
William and Pompie Favors 1959 at Pompie's house.
Elizabeth Favors - Before 1957
Arzilla Favors - Fresno, CA -1925-1964
Joe Pearl Favors - 1918-2005
Hubert Tucker Family outside their home in Los Angeles 1964.  Hubert, Lyn, Penny, Chet
Jenny Chaffen - 1932-1999
James C. Favors, 1958
Zettie Chaffin Williams  and grandchildren
Lottie Brannon and Family.  Year unkn.
Pompie Favors after a fishing trip - 1970
Omegar Favors Chaffin 1897-1976
Floyd and Omegar Chaffin - Yr Unknown
Raymond Favors 1921-2010
Amerine Jackson - 1877-1950
Hazel Whitesides Williams 1915-2009
Frnt: Ed Winston, Eugene Winston, Back: Mary Harvey Winston and Gertrude Winston
Doris Lyons and EW Waltzer at his senior prom.  EW went on to marry Jesse Mae Gregg. My maternal aunt.
Unknown - taken on August 14, 1930 - found in Amerine Jackson's pictures.
Unknown - taken on August 14, 1930 - found in Amerine Jackson's pictures.
Unknown - taken on August 14, 1930 - found in Amerine Jackson's pictures.
Eddie Winston - taken in 1967
L/R Frt Row- Gracie Winston, Jay Favors, Bk Row: Hermann and Virgil Gray - at the funeral of Amsee Favors 1955 Los Angeles.
Arzelia Favors Tucker - Chicago, Il, Yr unknown
Johnnie Whiteside Favors and Lawrence Favors and their oldest son Lloyd.
Joe Pearl, Manard and Raymond Harvey in Texas
Gertrude Reynolds, Joe Pearl , Manard, Raymond and Norma Jean Harvey at the Favors family home in Bethlehem, Texas
Bethlehem School Class Picture.  Yr. Unknown
Addie Favors Ingram - Yr Unknown
Amsee Favors in front of home in Bethlehem, Tx
Son Harvey and unknown.
Arzelia Favors Tucker
L/R: Jim (MC), Amsee & Jimmie Favors in front of their home in Bethlehem, Texas
One of the Favors Girls
L/R: Raymond, William, James C Favors
Arzelia Favors Tucker and daughter Penny
Arzelia and Penny and unknown friends
Joe Pearl Favors Harvey
William and Artie Mae Favors
Hubert Tucker and Friends - Chicago Yr Unknown
Irene and Paul Winston
Lawrence Favors's Sons-Yr Unknown
Winston Family Reunion 1983
Winston Family Reunion 1983
Winston Family Reunion 1983 - Texas
Winston Family Reunion 1983 - Texas
Winston Family Reunion 1983-Texas
Winston Family Reunion - 1984 Los Angeles
Elizabeth, Doris, Ira Lyons
Eula McVey Brannon Whiteside
Ollie Mildred
Gay Ladies Social Group - Ollied Mildred
Ollie Mildred Ladies Social Group 196
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Looking into the Past to Enrich Our Future
This page was last updated: November 26, 2013

Our Texas Roots
Heritage Photos - Favors | Winston | Whiteside 
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