FEB 28, 2012
We had a rewarding visit to Mukthi Mission. It was about an hour ride. The traffic in India is simular to the traffic in New York and Narobi Kenya, but amplified by 10. To add to the madness it was the ending of an political election.. There were victory celebrations along side the road on the trip home; people in the streets celebrating, dancing and waving their party's flag, throwing purple dried paint on one another. I am very thankful for your prayers for safe travels, we arrived there and back with no hiccups. I actually enjoyed watching this event from our car window.... watching traffic has become one of my favorites pastimes.
Gene was able to network and collorbrate with several staff at the mission. We also spent time in the classrooms with some of the girls. The school campus is huge they served over 200 children. During our visit the school was celebrating grandparents day. We were blessed as we watched the children honor their grandparents by cheering as they streamed into the courtyard. I can only imagine how proud the children felt as their grandparents appeared in the door way; it was truly a rewardiing visit.
The doors are opening for Gene to do ministry among the Banjara women. We are trusting God to PUT IT ALTOGETHER. There is a need for this program here in India especially with the lack of resouces and opportunity for women to discover their uniqueness in Christ. Freedom from bondage is for all to know that with God there is no distinction of caste, color, male, femaile, rich or poor.
John 1: 12-13 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men
Gene's birthday was on the 23rd.! We celebrated her special day at a resturant with some of her close friends..I enjoyed the Indian food! and the fellowship. I truly enjoyed my stay in India the people, did I already say food? the culture and the beauitful sareeis the women wear in every color imagianable.
My time in India has come to an end. It has been an eye opner. I have taken the freedoms we have for granted........
I look forward to sharing with you all that God is doing in India. Thank you for shariing this journey with me...
Continued prayers:
Ministry to the Banjara Women Resources Network / Support System in India.
Believers in every country to continue to pray for the outporing of the living word.
That we focus on the things that matter to Him...We will know these these as we stay connected to him (The vine)
Photo of visit to Mukit girls home- our trip to farmers market-ramdom pix enjoying our surroundings and culture
Until the last one hears.....
FEB 16, 2012
Good Morning Family,
Thank you all for your continued emails. It is encouraging to know that you are out there praying for what God is doing here in India, as we continue to seek God's guidance for the ministry that He has placed on Gene's heart.
This morning I was up early as I am every morning....I hear the chants of the prayers of the Muslims in the distance..The air is thick and still..I can smell the harsh fumes in the early morning air.....These constant prayers are heard through the region.EVERY day..This is part of the culture.
The prayers start at.... 5:30 am.... 12pm...again at 5:30pm........
God said in His word that If My people who are called by My name would humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways,then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and I will heal their land..(2 Chron. 7:14)
Saints I am convinced that we can do more...We have a very confortable life. provisions beyond most countries...and yet it is difficult for us to PRAY.
I have been listening to these chants for an hour now. and at noon they will start up again.....then in the evening....
I have been listening to these faithful chants for 16 days now......
Please join me in praying for:
That we as bealivers, will mount up with wings as Eagles and began to pray.... (Isaiah 40:31) For the Banjara Women / Children and the Widows of India...and all over the world...
That our hearts begin to focus on the things that matter to God.
That our young people will see visions and our old dream dreams ...
That we will cry loud the love and grace of our lord that He was crucified and now he lives.
Pray for an anointing on our Pastors all over this land.. That they will continue to preach and shout.. the Good News on the mountain tops Join me in prayer for the United States of American the land of the free that we begin to use our freedom to PRAY out loud in the streets, and in our home.
Until the last one hears
Patricia in India.......
(Brad's Footnote)--- Gene and Patricia will be taking a hour drive today to what is called the Mukti Girls Home.( )
This girls home is part of the network of partnerships that God has provided for Gene, as she continues to build the foundation of the ministry in India.
Lets start praying. Please pray for Gene and Patricia to return home from the Girls home safely.
FEB 9, 2012
Greetings prayer family,
Thank you for your prayers and emails, I feel as if you are here in India with me on this journey to hear God's heart for the Banjara people.
This past week I have been dealing with a sinus infection", But there is nothing to difficult for God...Gene has taken good care of me and with your continued Prayers I am almost fully recovered.
The weather is like spring...nice cool breezes in the evenings, food is fantastic but what I treasured most was our visit to the Banjara village. I have sent many photos to give all of you a broad view of my first week in India and the places that my gracious host Gene has taken me to. India is a very diverse country, but when it comes to Christianity, they are 2.3% of the population. We were able to visit the Banjara Village and can see a great need for ministry there. The Banjara people are one of the lowest caste in the culture and by cultural standards they are thought to be less then others. It is legal to share the message of Christ, but it is illegal to convert anyone to the Christian faith, but many of them are becoming believers and their lives are being changed. . Knowing the risk of coming to faith, the Banjara people are still responding to the message of Christ and his love for them right where they are at.
As you have read the conditions of the Bajara people, I ask that you would join Gene and I in prayer for the Banjara people and the ministry that Gene is doing in India. There will be more specific prayer points in the next e-mail, continue prayer for wisdom as Gene develops the program.
Blessings, Patricia, "Until the last one hears"
FEB 8, 2012
Patricia sent more photos from India, here they are. please continue to keep them in prayer.
FEB 2, 2012
Here are 4 more pictures that she sent, please keep her and Gene in prayer as they minister to the people of India
FEB 2, 2012
My lovely wife has arrived in India and wants to thank all of you who prayed for her safe arrival.
FEB 1, 2012
Thank you all for such an overwhelming response of words of encouragement for my mission trip to India. i which I was able to respond back to each of you personally. Just know I look forward to your continued emails it helps keep me connected to you. I'm on my way to the airport. Look to hear from me in India!
Please Keep my husband Brad The love of my life in your prayers while I am away.
Love U
Until the last one hears.......
JANUARY 29, 2012
Mere Dost Bahia! Greetings,Prayer Partners, Family & Friends,
Thank you for your past prayers and encouragement throughout our 2011 Kenya mission. As you may remember we were blessed to see God move in an amazing way. We were able to.....
* Evangelize: Through Vacation Bible School & Community Celebration =Teenagers & children came to know the Lord.... 8 total praise to God !
* Humanitarian support: (Food, Clothing, Educational Supplies....The book bag support was incredible ...thank you all again.
* Community outreach: Elderly (Food & Property Clean up Support) Some of the homes that were visited had not had anyone visit or receive any support for many years..
I still ponder what an amazing mission trip we had this past August....I thank our Kenyan and Mountain View Church team for committed hearts to see Gods work accomplished in Kenya.....
I am excited to share with you and ask for your continued prayer support for another mission assignment from the Lord. I have been invited to join missionary Gene Murdock in India ! (This Wed. February 1st - 29th). I want to share with you a little background on the women Gene is hoping to reach, and give you more specifics on how you can be praying. India’s society for thousands of years and even currently live by the caste system. The population that she serves is some of India’s poorest, called Banjara gypsies. They are from one of the lowest caste. Most are unlike us with aspirations and dreams. They believe that where they were born in life is their station for life, so born into the lower caste system of their society they have very little hope for themselves. Their first desire is never for an education or better life despite how bad the conditions are. They believe that if being faithful to the caste system they are born into they can hope that when they return in their next life it will be to a higher caste system and life will be somewhat better. These are women who have come to faith in Jesus, so Gene wants to come along side and help them to aspire, dream, achieve an enjoyable relationship with Jesus Christ.
God says …”as we have opportunity, let us do good to all,especially to the household of faith. (Gal6:10) But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him,how dwelleth the love of God in him? (1John 3:17)
It is my desire to come alongside Gene and support her in developing programs for- English, basic computer literacy and sewing classes. Through these programs these women will become employable, more importantly develop their relationship with Jesus and share their faith with others.....
2 Tim 2:2 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, the same commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also...
How you can pray :
*wisdom in developing these programs with understanding that In Jesus there is no caste system
*I will be in a restricted area in regards to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ......wisdom & safety
Thank you again for your prayer support.....I will send updates & photos.....
Until the last one hears......
Patricia Whitehead